WODA Workshop

Underwater Sound in Relation to Dredging: Translating science into first-hand guidance


26 March 2015, Paris, France

Click the image below and watch the invitation from the Workshop Chair, Dr Frank Thomsen.

uws_frankthomsen.jpg (35.3 K)

The effects of underwater sound have become an important environmental issue. As a consequence the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive addresses noise impacts. Outside Europe, developers and planners also have to consider and manage impacts related to underwater sound with increasing urgency.

In June 2013 WODA published a Technical Guidance on Underwater Sound in Relation to Dredging . It was compiled by the WODA Expert Group on Underwater Sound, under the remit of the WODA Environmental Commission, and reviewed by experts from the most relevant groups. The paper sets out a comprehensive risk assessment framework and provides a systematic approach to sound impact studies. It advises on how sound can affect aquatic life and provides a detailed compass for underwater sound measurements. It informs in detail on sound sources in relation to dredging and summarizes the knowledge on dredging sound effects. Finally it gives guidance on how dredging-related sound risks could be managed.

The paper was extremely well received among scientists and stakeholders from policy and industry. Yet, like its predecessor the CEDA position paper on underwater sound in relation to dredging (published in 2011), it also raised many questions and requests for further information and training.

WODA is now attempting to answer this need with a full day seminar for policy makers, industry and stakeholders. We will make the Guidance document ‘live' via interactive presentations held by leading experts in the field.